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The Significance of Drilling Techniques and Positional Sparring in BJJ

Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu (BJJ) is a dynamic martial art that demands a combination of technical finesse, strategic thinking, and physical prowess. As practitioners strive to advance their skills on the mat, two crucial training components emerge as game-changers: drilling techniques and positional sparring. These methods, often overlooked by some, play a pivotal role in refining technique, enhancing muscle memory, and elevating overall performance in the sport.

Children drilling the americana sub in class
Drilling the Americana submission in class

Mastering the Art of Repetition: Drilling Techniques

Precision and Efficiency through Repetition

Drilling techniques involve repetitively practicing specific movements, transitions, and submissions. This process is akin to honing a skill until it becomes second nature. By breaking down complex maneuvers into smaller, manageable components, practitioners can focus on perfecting each element before integrating them seamlessly into their overall game. Practitioners can fine-tune their techniques, making them more efficient and effective. By isolating specific aspects of a move and addressing details such as grip placement, alignment, weight distribution, and leverage, practitioners can refine their execution. This attention to detail can make a significant difference when the pressure is on during live rolling.

Take for example the basic triangle choke from guard. There are so many details from this technique that it's very difficult for someone to remember all the details in a live roll if he only watched an instructor show it in class or on a video. Beginners who have just learned the steps of entering the triangle hold and finishing the choke will find it hard to commit the details to memory if they don't take time to drill it. One important step that beginners often miss is the angling of the hips before locking down the submission hold. I find that if they incorporate the angling of the hips in drilling, they will not forget to do that when they attempt the triangle choke in a roll. For the majority of people, rote learning helps to commit the steps into memory so that a beginner does not waste time trying to recall the details in a live roll or match.

Building Muscle Memory

One of the most significant advantages of drilling is the development of muscle memory. Through consistent repetition, the body becomes accustomed to executing techniques instinctively. This muscle memory not only enhances the fluidity of movement but also enables practitioners to react promptly and effectively during live sparring sessions. As the saying goes in BJJ, "You don't rise to the occasion; you fall to your level of training."

For example, proper execution of the triangle choke during a live roll is much higher if you have drilled the basic entry many times on both sides. You wouldn't have to remember which side to cross your leg, because you'd instinctively lock your legs from seeing which arm is trapped. It would have been hard to gain that sort of muscle memory from attempting triangles only from live rolling.

Argument Against Drilling

Some instructors drilling is a waste of time and advocate for a conceptual approach to Jiu-Jitsu, where the emphasis is on understanding principles and concepts rather than memorizing specific techniques. They believe that a conceptual approach leads to a more versatile and adaptable skill set, and they may argue that drilling techniques in isolation limits the effectiveness of the training. These perspectives are not universal because many instructors incorporate drilling into their training programs. In fact, many find drilling can be extremely beneficial when done with purpose, understanding, and in conjunction with positional sparring and live rolling.

Positional Sparring: Bridging the Gap Between Drills and Live Rolling

Contextualizing Techniques

While drilling lays the foundation, positional sparring provides the bridge between isolated technique practice and live rolling scenarios. Positional sparring involves starting from a specific position or situation, allowing practitioners to apply their techniques in a controlled yet dynamic setting. This context helps solidify the applicability of learned techniques in realistic situations.

A man applying triangle choke in a bjj class
Positional Sparring Exercise for the Triangle Choke

Simulating Realistic Scenarios

BJJ matches are unpredictable, and positional sparring introduces an element of unpredictability into training. It allows practitioners to simulate scenarios they may encounter during live rolling, fostering adaptability and creativity in their approach. This type of training is particularly useful for refining both offensive and defensive strategies. It provides the opportunity for a student to deal with scenarios that would otherwise be hard to come by in a live roll.

The mechanics of a perfect triangle choke can be memorized during drilling, but what happens when your opponent begins to stack your hips over your head while applying a choke on your neck? It's hardly the ideal condition, but it's one of many realistic reactions for an opponent.

An example of positional sparring that would help you deal with that kind of pressure would be to start with a loose triangle hold on your partner. Your instructor may set the goals of the engagement to be for you to finish the choke or for him to escape the triangle hold. It would be an exercise that would benefit both you and your training partner.

Developing Tactical Awareness

Positional sparring is invaluable for developing tactical awareness and problem-solving skills. By repeatedly starting in disadvantageous positions or specific scenarios, practitioners learn to navigate challenges strategically. This type of training hones the ability to escape unfavorable positions, capitalize on opponents' mistakes, and adapt to the ever-changing dynamics of a BJJ match.

In our example of positional sparring for the triangle choke, the entire class can benefit from this exercise by rotating roles and switching partners at the conclusion of each round. Progressing through the rounds fosters an understanding of reactions from various body types and diverse rolling styles. This exercise effectively prepares individuals to handle opponents employing different defensive strategies such as stacking, backing away, or stepping over the head while defending against the triangle choke. Furthermore, it equips participants to evade offensive tactics employed by those attempting to execute the choke. It would be difficult to develop tactical awareness for the triangle choke during a full roll, if you had only drilled the triangle choke under perfect conditions.

Balancing Act: Incorporating Drills and Positional Sparring in Training

A well-rounded BJJ training regimen strikes a balance between drilling techniques and engaging in positional sparring. Combining these elements creates a synergy that accelerates skill development and overall progress. It's not about choosing one over the other but recognizing their complementary roles in the journey toward mastery.

Structured Training Sessions

Effective training sessions often include a combination of drilling specific techniques, positional sparring from various positions, and live rolling. Structuring sessions in this way provides a comprehensive approach to skill development, ensuring that practitioners refine their techniques, test them in specific scenarios, and then apply them in the unpredictable environment of live rolling.

Typically, my classes follow a structured format consisting of 15 minutes devoted to instruction on 2-3 techniques, followed by 30 minutes of drilling and positional sparring. Subsequently, there is a 5-minute review period, culminating in a final 30 minutes of live rolling. This class format aligns with the widely adopted structure in many BJJ academies. Additionally, once a month, I conduct an entire class exclusively focused on positional sparring exercises, centering around themes covered in the preceding weeks. I have found this format to be highly effective in providing students with optimal opportunities to integrate techniques into both their offensive and defensive repertoire.


In conclusion, the synergy between drilling techniques and positional sparring forms the backbone of a well-rounded and effective BJJ training regimen. The adaptability cultivated through drilling and positional sparring extends beyond the mat. Practitioners develop a growth mindset, embracing challenges as opportunities for improvement. This mindset not only fuels progress in BJJ but also translates to valuable life skills such as problem-solving, resilience, and continuous learning.


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